Thank you to everyone who signed our petition for the land rights of the Naso Indigenous People! 25,615 signatures were presented to the Ombudsman of Panama during a press conference on 13 June 2019.
‘’These signatures will contribute to ensuring that the court ruling comes, not years from now but within a timeframe that is reasonable for the Naso people who have already been waiting too long for justice’’ said Ombudsman Alfredo Castillero Hoyos.

Photo: Naso King hands over 25,615 signatures in support of their land rights to Ombudsman of Panama. Photo: Ramon Lepage.
A law to recognize the land rights of the Naso Indigenous People was passed twice by the Legislative Assembly of Panama but vetoed by the President in February. The final decision now rests with the Supreme Court and the Naso are hopeful that they will soon have their dream of secure land rights come true.
‘’We are happy to know that our struggle has gone beyond borders – at both international level and in our own country we have support for this struggle that we have lead for over 50 years – to have our home and mother earth protected by a Comarca,’’ said King Reynaldo Santana, leader of the Naso People.
We will keep you updated and hope to have good news from the Supreme Court of Panama soon. Thank you again for your support to the Naso People.
Watch the TV report (in Spanish): Naso collect 25,615 signatures, demand creation of Comarca.
Read more about the Land Rights Now Naso campaign.